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About me....

A little about me.... Where to begin?


All my life I've been a little bit witchy and  massively artsy/crafty. I've been searching for years for my path in life, and suddenly it came to me as clear as anything whilst meditating one night Eclectic Craft.

A range of eclectic crafts made by an eclectic witch.


Ever since I was a little girl I had a fascination with stones rocks and crystals. Their energies just spoke to me.

I loved nothing more than being outside picking herbs and flowers and creating potions barefoot in the garden with my little sister, getting caked in mud and grass stained!

I have always felt connected to the earth and to a higher Spirit, knowing there was more to life as we see it. Again, as a young child I knew early on I was gifted with sight and sensitivity of Spirit. I could feel the emotions of people and animals more than I even understood my own.

You see, nan was a witch, not that I recall it ever being spoken about. I just knew. In turn, I knew I was too.

Throughout my teenage years these abilities grew but I never fully understood it nor did those around me so I began to hide my talents and gifts.

I'd dabble from time to time but ultimately I let the opinions of others

deter me from my authentic me.

Now here I am, freeing myself from the ties that society bind me with (possibly you too), utilising my abilities to help heal others.

I currently offer crystal healing, sound healing, eclectic tarot readings and pendulum dowsing divination at present but this will over time grow to even more services.


If there’s something you can’t find, please let us know - custom orders are always available. And of course feel free to reach out with any questions, we’re happy to help!


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